April 10, 2008

Ecuador’s Prez Charges Disloyalty in Defence Dept./CIA Collusion

Ecquador's President, Rafael Correa

CIA said to control Ecuador's military intelligence
By Jeanneth Valdivieso, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
QUITO, Ecuador - Ecuador's defence minister has resigned amid allegations the country's military intelligence is controlled by the CIA.
No official reason has been given for the resignation of Defence Minister Wellington Sandoval.
However his departure was confirmed Wednesday by Deputy Defence Minister Miguel Carvajal.
The announcement came a day after the military high command requested a meeting with President Rafael Correa to discuss his demand that Ecuador's intelligence services be investigated for disloyalty.
Correa became outraged after learning in the media that Ecuador's military intelligence apparently advised Colombian officials - and not him - about an Ecuadorian man's contacts with Colombian rebels. [my bold]
The man was killed in a cross-border raid March 1 that also killed a key rebel leader and 23 others in a camp maintained by the rebels inside Ecuador. The attack led both Ecuador and Venezuela to break diplomatic relations with Colombia, Washington's closest ally in South America.
Correa said he had to learn about the contacts from media reports, and his government launched a civilian investigation into alleged foreign influence in Ecuador's military intelligence services.
Correa's attacks apparently provoked discontent in military circles. [...]
Right ON, Presidente!

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