December 5, 2009

9/11 Death Toll Still Rises

It is such a heartbreak to know that there are still First Responders from 9/11/01 who suffer from  respiratory problems, cancers, PTSD, on and on.  It is completely outrageous that we have to ASK our government to provide for these heroes who are still with us.  There are some who are sick now and could be helped and even live if Congress acted swiftly.

We can no longer say "3,000 people died from the terror attack of 9/11."  Clearly, people are still dying, only it's our responsibility to save them.  And we won't have any bearded boxcutting freaks to blame.

Here is a link to Adam's Angels, a site in celebration of one fire fighter's life:

More timely is their request for all of us to show support for passage of HR 847, the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, and get Congressional action to help our heroes.

Here is their statement:

Beginning Monday, December 7th, Adam’s Angels are asking all Americans to take a stand and demand that HR 847- The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2009 be brought to the floor of the House of Representatives, immediately.  Gaining as much public support as possible, as quickly as possible, from concerned citizens throughout the United States of America will allow immediate pressure on the House of Representatives to put HR 847 on their weekly schedule for a vote.

While it speaks volumes that 9/11 first responders (primarily those who are suffering from illnesses related to their time at the WTC site), along with their respective constituency groups, have been advocating for the passage of HR 847- The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2009, it is time that all Americans fight on behalf of them.  These men and women thought of their fellow Americans first, and foremost before heading to the WTC site, in the wake of September 11, 2001.

We, as Americans, must stand together united on this issue and make it known that we will not accept empty promises. Together, we will make sure that those who put others first are ALWAYS taken care of and that their sacrifices are NEVER forgotten.

Adam’s Angels are asking that all Americans please take a moment out of their day to call the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi at 202-225-0100 and the Majority Leader of the House, Steny Hoyer at 202-225-4131 and let them know that as proud Americans, we demand to see HR 847 brought to the floor, immediately.  Callers are asked to say that as Americans, we will not sit by and allow those who put others first be taken for granted.

Having lost over eight hundred September 11th first responders since that horrific day, we must act now as many, many more of our Nation’s Heroes are sick and dying due to the time they spent at the World Trade Center site. We would like to stress how important the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2009 is to us, our community and America. It is time to get this bill to the House floor and passed so that those who put America first on September 11, 2001 are taken properly taken care of, now. We want HR 847 passed so that we, as a country, can properly thank the thousands who have given so much of themselves, so selflessly. We have lost over eight hundred September 11th first responders since that horrific day, we MUST act now as many, many more of these men and women are sick and dying due to the time they spent at Ground Zero.

How to Take Action, Now

If your Representative is on the list of co-sponsors (see below), please contact them and demand that they help get HR 847 to the floor by the end of 2009- ask them to take an urgent and immediate stand, with us. If your Rep is not currently supporting HR 847, please call them and stress how important HR 847- the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2009 is to you, your community and America. It is time to get this bill to the House floor and passed so that those who put America first on September 11, 2001 are taken properly taken care of, NOW. The list of all United States Reps and their contact information can be found at: .

HR 847- The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2009

( ) is sponsored by Representative Carolyn Maloney [D, NY-14] and co-sponsored by Reps. Ackerman [D, NY-5], Andrews [D, NJ-1], Arcuri [D, NY-24], Baldwin [D, WI-2], Berkley [D, NV-1], Bishop [D, NY-1], Bishop [D, GA-2], Brady [D, PA-1], Burgess [R, TX-26], Capps [D, CA-23], Carney [D, PA-10], Castor [D, FL-11], Christensen [D, VI-0], Clarke [D, NY-11], Cohen [D, TN-9], Connolly [D, VA-11], Conyers [D, MI-14], Courtney [D, CT-2], Crowley [D, NY-7], Dahlkemper [D, PA-3], DeLauro [D, CT-3], Dent [R, PA-15], Doyle [D, PA-14], Ellsworth [D, IN-8], Engel [D, NY-17], Etheridge [D, NC-2], Fattah [D, PA-2], Garrett [R, NJ-5], Gonzalez [D, TX-20], Green [D, TX-29], Grijalva [D, AZ-7], Hall [D, NY-19], Higgins [D, NY-27], Himes [D, CT-4], Hinchey [D, NY-22], Hodes [D, NH-2], Holt [D, NJ-12], Israel [D, NY-2], Jones [R, NC-3], King [R, NY-3], Klein [D, FL-22], Kucinich [D, OH-10], Lance [R, NJ-7], Larson [D, CT-1], Lee [R, NY-26], Lee [D, CA-9], Lewis [D, GA-5], Lipinski [D, IL-3], Lowey [D, NY-18], Maffei [D, NY-25], Massa [D, NY-29], McCarthy [D, NY-4], McCaul [R, TX-10], McGovern [D, MA-3], McHugh [R, NY-23], McMahon [D, NY-13], Meeks [D, NY-6], Murphy [R, PA-18], Murphy [D, NY-20], Murphy [D, CT-5], Nadler [D, NY-8], Pascrell [D, NJ-8], Pierluisi [D, PR-0], Rangel [D, NY-15], Rush [D, IL-1], Sarbanes [D, MD-3], Schakowsky [D, IL-9], Schauer [D, MI-7], Schwartz [D, PA-13], Serrano [D, NY-16], Sestak [D, PA-7], Sires [D, NJ-13], Slaughter [D, NY-28], Smith [R, NJ-4], Stupak [D, MI-1], Sutton [D, OH-13], Thompson [D, MS-2], Tonko [D, NY-21], Towns [D, NY-10], Velázquez [D, NY-12], Weiner [D, NY-9], Wexler [D, FL-19], Woolsey [D, CA-6].

James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2009

2/4/2009-- Introduced. James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2009 - Amends the Public Health Service Act to establish within the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health the World Trade Center Health Program (WTC program) to provide:

(1) medical monitoring and treatment benefits to eligible emergency responders and recovery and cleanup workers who responded to the World Trade Center terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001; and

(2) initial health evaluation, monitoring, and treatment benefits to residents and other building occupants and area workers who were directly impacted and adversely affected by such attacks. Requires the WTC program administrator to:

(1) implement a quality assurance program;

(2) establish the WTC Health Program Scientific/Technical Advisory Committee;

(3) establish the WTC Responders Steering Committee and the WTC Community Program Steering Committee;

(4) provide for education and outreach on services under the WTC program;

(5) provide for the uniform collection of data related to WTC-related health conditions;

(6) conduct research on physical and mental health conditions that may be related to the September 11 terrorist attacks; and

(7) extend and expand arrangements with the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to provide for the World Trade Center Health Registry. Authorizes the administrator to make grants to the Department to address mental health needs relating to the terrorist attacks. Amends the Air Transportation Safety and System Stabilization Act to:

(1) make individuals eligible for compensation under the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund of 2001 for harm as a result of debris removal; and

(2) extend the deadline for making a claim for compensation.


Kirk Arsenault said...

As one of responders that you talk about, I am one of those effected by my problems at Ground Zero. My illnesses include Throid and lymph node cancer, Asthma, Fibromyalgia, PTSD, Sinusitis, Sleep Apnea, Chronoc Headaches, Chronic Fatigue and others. THe financial problems are as numerous as my health problems. Many friends I worked with from Ground Zero have the same problems. If the U.S. government can take care of prisoners of terror why can the not help men and women who risked life and limb for this country. The EPA lied to us, if we had known we could have armed ourselves with maximum protection against the toxic dust and fumes that they knew were present. In my opinon Christy Todd Whitman should be criminally charge because she knew the toxins in the air. She claims to have sent mask to the site for protection, they were paper masks that offered no protection at all against the toxic air. I am no longer able to provide for my family including health insurance. The government has yet dealt another blow to me by denial of SSDI as they feel I'm not sick enough to be disabled. Love my country, hate my government. Over 200 years ago settlers in the new world overthrough a government that abused their power over the people. maybe its time to change our government through peaceful means like watch congress carefully and replacing them with real people who understand the american people. How can you know how people feel in these economic time while sitting on a hill that provides the with a pay check while millions suffer. Let them try being an unemployed worker for one week with no income, no food, no insurance, no home, and children who have to go without and then tell us they know what we mean. I;m am lucky to have family that has help me survive till now. without them I would have probably not have survived this long. Please call you reps and senators now and tell them to act now to help these non military veterans in the war on terror. Some uniformed veterans were also there along with many volunteers who have the same problems to so please dont forget them too

free2be2cool said...

Thank you for standing up for yourself as well as others who are to weak, afraid, protecting their familes, and the whole range of reasons people come up with to keep the status quo.

You are right that Christy Todd Witman should be held accountable. Same is true for George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condolessa Rice, John Ashcroft, George Tenant, et al. I imagine a big prison where their only contact with the outside world is with victims of their crimes. They must sit and listen to their stories for 8 hours a day. That is the punishment I wish for them.

For the rest of us, I wish for justice, and eventually peace.

But who knows how things will work out?