June 20, 2008

Stop Shopping, Start Saving Our Homes!

If it weren't for Rev. Billy and the gang, I'd very likely be a drooling basket case in a city full of scum. Thanks to them, the Church of Stop Shopping and the Not Buying it Band, I have been redeemed and blessed by the glorious light of the First Amendment! Now they're joining other New Yorkers in one of the most under appreciated events in the five boroughs, the Mermaid Parade. If you haven't been there, you must do this before it's gone, like New Orleans or America's breadbasket states and family farms. For those unable to transcend space & time, the MermaidCam will have to suffice.
In praise of solidarity, Peace-a-loo-ya!

Saving Coney Island
Queen Mermaid Savitri Will Hunger Strike After Parade
Our church leaders Savitri D and Reverend Billy are the Mermaid Queen and King Neptune of this year's Mermaid Parade - June 21.
In the role of Queen Mermaid, Savitri insists that "the mermaid will refuse to go back to the sea until Coney Island is saved." She will fast for three days in her finny queenly costume in the window at the Coney Island Side-show, that emporium of freaks, urging citizens to attend the scoping meeting that will decide the FATE of FUN at Coney Island:
Tuesday, June 24 6:00 PM
Lincoln High School, 2800 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, NY
The Queen has agreed to talk with the world via MermaidCam, check revbilly.com/mermaid for when that goes live Sunday morning!

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