December 19, 2007

Avanti Avaaz!

Bali: People Power Confronts Climate Change
Over 300,000 Avaaz Members Mobilize in 72 Hours
"I've realized that I can't do it by myself, but the world can't do it without me" - Anna, Avaaz member, Australia Scroll down to see what we have done together

THE PRESSURE - Bringing the Global Voice to Bali
Our mission was simple: Bring the voice of the world's people directly into the summit. This was no easy task, as high level summits like this one are almost designed to be insulated from public opinion. But by the end, few governments if any had not heard our voice.
On December 8th we organized a global day of action. Avaaz members in 100 countries organized or participated in local rallies to pressure their national leaders for bold action in Bali.
At the same time, we brought 550,000 members' voices inside the conference center with a high-profile "virtual march" of young people bearing world flags representing the nations of Avaaz members that signed our global petition. Not only did the delegates feel the impact directly, but footage and images from the virtual march were broadcast by major television and print media in markets across the globe -- bringing our message back home in capital cities worldwide.
At the conference, the Avaaz team helped lead the "Fossil of the Day" awards. These mock awards cast a bright spotlight each day on the delegations that were foot dragging and derailing progress. These awards earned major media attention -- and major embarrassment for the offending nations. Avaaz members then followed up by contacting their governments back home and demanding a better performance. Suddenly, the people were in the game.
THE RESULT - The Climate Wreckers Back Down
Under pressure from all sides and massive domestic anger, the Canadian government finally did a complete U-turn, and allowed the smaller group of Kyoto countries to agree to reduce carbon emissions by 25-40% by 2020. This significant step means that the richest countries - all except the US - have now set ambitious new targets for emissions reductions.
[…] The US - now completely isolated - still held out.
[…] The assembled delegations let loose a chorus of boos. Nation after nation took the floor and sounded the chords of outrage. Just like hundreds of thousands of Avaaz members told them to do, our leaders stood firm.
Faced with this united front, the American representative asked to take the floor once more, and said simply, "The United States will join the consensus." Victory.

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