November 19, 2007

Art of Mental Warfare

Although I haven't read the book, I can say with some conviction that the music video below will knock the nails out of you. Thank you, Trent! As for David Vincent, more research into his background is required. A brief tour of his site shows that everything you thought was too paranoid probably wasn't.
The Art of Mental Warfare review:
Confessions of a PsyOps Agent:
“I want people to know how the game is played.” — David Vincent
This book is my version of OJ’s, If I Did It. If I was, let’s say, a covert psychological operations expert working within the US intelligence community, this would be the book I would write. Now, I’m not saying that I’m actually a covert PsyOps agent with first hand experience in manipulating public opinion, if I was I couldn’t admit that. So, I’m not… I mean who the hell would believe me anyway. People would think I’m crazy if I said that I worked for Henry Kissinger in a black program designed to create and manipulate public opinion. Who would believe me if I said that I spent time learning from Edward Bernays? Most people probably don’t even know who he is. How many people would actually believe that I ran a covert program that worked with the NSC, CIA, 4th POG and Army Intel to conducted psychological ops within the US. I mean, it isn’t even legal to conduct PsyOps within in the US, on your own people. Then again, in the covert world nothing is illegal. The black world is above the law, above the Constitution as well. Shit, it’s national security, anything goes! The bottom line has to be that I have nothing to do with the intel community and the book cannot contain any Classified Information. Everything in the book is above-board information that is available in the public record. You can take what I present and research it for yourself. Consider this book a starting point. – David V. The Warning
Posted By David @ 12:14 am — Filed under: Features, Video presents The Warning, a politically powerful new music video featuring Grammy Award-winning artist Trent Reznor. The Warning takes on the covert interests behind the war and our media saturated society. From war crimes to the destruction of the environment and a celebrity-obsessed culture, The Warning is a clarion call to action for an apathetic nation. Turn up the volume and click the play button…

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